
Predict the wheat growth stage from images using Efficient-Net based networks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Competition Link

The goal of this competition is to predict the wheat growth stage using images. There are 7 growth stages (from 1 to 7). There are 2 types of labels : Expert labels (reliable) and Normal labels (less reliable). The Test set was annotated by experts. So, to train my model, I only used Expert labeled data.



  • I used EfficientNetB3 as a backbone.
  • I added a fully connected layer on top of it (512, 256, 1) with a dropout of 0.3.
  • I treated the problem as a regression problem. The chosen loss function is MSE.
  • The chosen optimizer is ADAM with default parameters.
  • Image size = (512, 120)
  • I used cosine annealing as a learning rate scheduler.

Data augmentation

  • RandomBrightnessContrast
  • MotionBlur/MedianBlur/GaussianBlur
  • Horizontal/Vertical Flip
  • ShiftScaleRotate


I splitted the dataset into 5-Folds stratified with respect to 'Growth Stage'. For each split, a model was trained. For inference, we make a prediction using each one of the 5 models and then, we average them.


  • Pytorch Lightning 0.9.1rc3


  • Download Images.zip and Train.csv from the link above and extract Images.zip in a folder named 'Images'.
  • Run 'train_folds.py' to train the models.
  • Run 'submission_folds.py BEST_FOLD1_PATH BEST_FOLD2_PATH BEST_FOLD3_PATH BEST_FOLD4_PATH BEST_FOLD5_PATH' to create the submission file.
  • Submit.


Private Leaderboard Score : 0.44 (RMSE)