A Python3-based system use yolov3/KCF&DSST/KF to detect,tracking and estimate the target(people and cars) location.
Intel Core i5-8300H CPU@2.30GHz
Nvidia GTX 1050Ti
Ubuntu 18.04LTS
fhog.py:give fhog feature
run.py:basic framework
run2.py:add more visualization work for some video
@article{redmon2018yolov3, title={Yolov3: An incremental improvement}, author={Redmon, Joseph and Farhadi, Ali}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.02767}, year={2018} }
@article{henriques2014high, title={High-speed tracking with kernelized correlation filters}, author={Henriques, Jo{~a}o F and Caseiro, Rui and Martins, Pedro and Batista, Jorge}, journal={IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence}, volume={37}, number={3}, pages={583--596}, year={2014}, publisher={IEEE} }
@inproceedings{danelljan2014accurate, title={Accurate scale estimation for robust visual tracking}, author={Danelljan, Martin and H{"a}ger, Gustav and Khan, Fahad and Felsberg, Michael}, booktitle={British Machine Vision Conference, Nottingham, September 1-5, 2014}, year={2014}, organization={BMVA Press} }
@inproceedings{wang2017large, title={Large margin object tracking with circulant feature maps}, author={Wang, Mengmeng and Liu, Yong and Huang, Zeyi}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}, pages={4021--4029}, year={2017} }
The YOLOv3 part is based on yehengcheng's work @ https://github.com/yehengchen/Object-Detection-and-Tracking
The KCF and DSST part is based on ryanfwy's work @ https://github.com/ryanfwy/KCF-DSST-py
git clone https://github.com/sjtuzyz/Tracking_by_detection.git
go to yehengcheng's work to get the yolo weight or learn how to transfer it.
if predicted_class != 'person':
The class should be changed to person or car or whatever you want.About the yolo network's training and convert,please check yehengcheng's work.
if (APCE>0.12):#25 oc1.mp4 0.02 oc2.mp4
x = self.getFeatures(image, 0, 1.0)
self.train(x, self.interp_factor)
#x = self.getFeatures(image, 0, 1.0)
#self.train(x, self.interp_factor)
If you want to use APCE to let the system more robust to occlusions ,just change 0.12 to a threshold of your test video, which will be print in the terminal.
cap = cv2.VideoCapture('./outputcar1.mp4')
Change to .mp4 file to test your own video.
I use similar geometric relations to calculate the distance,which means you need to get the Intrinsic Matrix K by Matlab or any other code and target's height or width first.Then just change the parameters to yours.
c = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
change the waitkey to get the frame played slower.