Sinky Ship

Sinky Ship v3 is a React Native strategy game where the goal is to sinky the computer players ship.


  • Jason Dormier
  • Jason Quaglia
  • Carly Dekock
  • William Moreno

Back-End GitHub Repo: sinky-ship

Front-End GitHub Repo: sinky-ship

Team Agreement

  • Project Prep 1: team agreement here

Software Requirements

  • Project Prep 4: software requirements here

Project Management Tools

  • GitHub projects board with user stories here




  • What is the vision of this product? A React Native mobile game that allows a user to play a game of sinky ship against a computer opponent. The game will be interactive through a mobile device and work with randomly generated sinky ships.

  • What pain point does this project solve? Allows for a novel way to enjoy your free time.

  • Why should we care about your product? Takes a classic game and makes it more enjoyable and dynamic.

User Stories

  • As a user I would like to be able to interact with the game and have it be visually appealing because I would find it more engaging

  • As a user I want the application to be able to notify the server of my movements and send me the output after my opponent has moved and vice versa so that I can play the game

  • As a player I want the computer to be able to prove a worthy adversary because that will be more fun

  • As a user I want to be able to download the application as an mobile application because it will be more engaging

  • As a user I would like to play against a computer opponent that is better than just choosing random selections and is harder to play against because it uses an algorithm for selecting targets