Fetch the price of Ark in any (crypto)currency.
$ pip install arkprice
You can fetch the price without any parameter, by default the return value will be in USD, or specify multiples (crypto)currency you want to use.
from ArkPrice import get_price
print(get_price("eur", "btc", "usd"))
>>> {'EUR': 4.41}
>>> {'EUR': 4.41, 'BTC': 0.0004976, 'USD': 5.39}
Output the price directly in the console with the correct symbol of the currency.
from ArkPrice import output_price
output_price("eur", "btc", "usd")
>>> 4.46 €
>>> 0.0004994 Ƀ
>>> 5.43 $
- Core code.
- Write documentation.
- Unit testing.
- Package it.
- Travis.
- Missing support for python 3.2.
- OSX Support ?
- Windows support ?
- More markets ?
- CryptoCompare
- CoinMarketCap
- ...
- Jolan Beer - Highjhacker
ArkPrice is under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more informations.