
Dislocation Density-based Crystal Plasticity Solver

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1

ρ-CP: Open Source Dislocation Density Based Crystal Plasticity Framework for Simulating Temperature- and Strain Rate-Dependent Deformation

Anirban Patra1*, Suketa Chaudhary1, Namit Pai1, Tarakram Ramgopal1, Sarthak Khandelwal1, Adwitiya Rao1, David L. McDowell2,3**

1Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India

2School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA

3GWW School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA

ρ-CP is a crystal plasticity solver that interfaces with the open source finite element solver, MOOSE (https://github.com/idaholab/moose), for crystal plasticity finite element modeling of anisotropic, heterogeneous deformation in polycrystalline ensembles. Source codes for the dislocation density-based crystal plasticity solver are provided in this repository, along with example applications for the thermo-mechanical deformation of hcp magnesium single and polycrystals, polycrystalline fcc OFHC copper and polycrystalline bcc tantalum.

Details of the constitutive model and numerical implementation are available at:

Details of the material properties/model parameters and their input to the model are given in: Model Parameters



The user needs to install MOOSE first (https://mooseframework.inl.gov/getting_started/installation/index.html), then clone and compile ρ-CP alongside MOOSE in the projects directory:

  • Following installation of MOOSE and the required conda environment, the source files can be obtained either using the following commands from the home directory:
    cd projects
    git clone https://github.com/apatra6/rhocp.git
    or directly downloading the repository from github in the projects directory.
  • The executable can be compiled using:
    cd rhocp
    make -j 4
    to get the executable rhocp-opt (here 4 represents the number of processors used for compiling and can be modified appropriately).
  • If the user wishes to perform code developement and debug the application using gdb, the executable should be compiled in debug mode using the following coomand:
    METHOD=dbg make -j 4
    to get the executable rhocp-dbg (more details can be found at: https://mooseframework.inl.gov/application_development/debugging.html).

Running Simulations

  • The user is advised to first go through the basics of running MOOSE simulations (https://mooseframework.inl.gov/getting_started/examples_and_tutorials/index.html).
  • Example simulation files for magnesium, copper and tantalum are located in the examples directory.
  • The following input files are required to run a ρ-CP simulation: (a) MOOSE input file, with .i extension, (b) slip system information file (bcc_slip_sys.in, for example), (c) material properties file (bcc_props.in, for example), (d) grain orientations in the form of Bunge Euler angles (orientations.in, for example). Additionally, the mesh may be: (i) created in the MOOSE input file itself, (ii) imported from an Exodus file (64grains_512elements.e, for example), or (iii) imported from an EBSD mesh file (tantalum_input_original_euler.txt in examples/tantalum/EBSD_simulation, for example). For the last case, Euler angles need not be imported separately.
  • The EBSD mesh file can be created using DREAM3D. See: https://mooseframework.inl.gov/source/userobjects/EBSDReader.html and http://www.dream3d.io/2_Tutorials/EBSDReconstruction/ for additional details.
  • Simulations can be run using the following example command:
    mpiexec -n 4 ~/projects/rhocp/rhocp-opt -i Cu_compression_sim.i
    for running the example given in rhocp/examples/copper/strain_rate_effect/compression_sr_1e-1ps/.
  • Output files in the form of .csv files can be used for plotting averaged values of various quantities and Exodus .e files can be visualized using Paraview (https://www.paraview.org/) for the deformation contours (the user is advised to use Paraview version 5.9 or lower).
  • Spatio-temporal data can also be extracted from the .e output files using the Python SEACAS (https://github.com/sandialabs/seacas) libraries (an example script extract_data.py is provided in examples/tantalum/temperature_effect/compression_512/298K_sr_5000_512grains) or using the GUI-based data extraction tools in Paraview.


For the general ρ-CP framework, refer to:

  • Patra, A., Chaudhary, S., Pai, N., Ramgopal, T., Khandelwal, S., Rao, A., McDowell, D.L., “ρ-CP: Open source dislocation density based crystal plasticity framework for simulating temperature- and strain rate-dependent deformation”, Computational Materials Science, Vol. 224, 2023, 112182.

For prediction of residual strains during post-solidification cooling (see: examples/304steel_cooling_residual_stress) and calculation of lattice strains, refer to:

  • Pokharel, R., Patra, A., Brown, D.W., Clausen, B., Vogel, S.C., Gray, G.T., “An analysis of phase stresses in additively manufactured 304L stainless steel using neutron diffraction measurements and crystal plasticity finite element simulations”, International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 121, 2019, pp. 201-217.

For the dislocation density-based J2 plasticity model, refer to:

  • Ellis, B.D., Haider, H., Priddy, M.W., Patra, A., “Integrated computational design of three-phase Mo-Si-B alloy turbine blade for high-temperature aerospace applications”, Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation, Vol. 10, 2021, pp. 245-264.
  • Khandelwal, S., Basu, S., Patra, A., “A machine learning-based surrogate modeling framework for predicting the history-dependent deformation of dual phase microstructures”, Materials Today Communications, Vol. 29, 2021, 102914.
  • Basu, S., Patra, A., Jaya, B.N., Ganguly, S., Dutta, M., Samajdar, I., “Study of microstructure - property correlations in dual phase steels for achieving enhanced strength and reduced strain partitioning”, Materialia, Vol. 25, 2022, 101522.

Numerical integration of the J2 plasticity model can be inferred from:

  • Patra, A., Pai, N., Sharma, P., “Modeling intrinsic size effects using dislocation density-based strain gradient plasticity”, Mechanics Research Communications, Vol. 127, 2023, 104038.