
planr a plannification server meant to scale up and out

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Planning application using: sbt, Scala, Play2, Akka Actors, Cats, OR-Tools, Docker and Gatling.

How to build and run

Build process with sbt: clean, compile, test compile, extract jars, assembly and create docker image. Run process with Docker: run docker image or use docker-compose. In Windows 10 run Cmder (like Command Prompt with shell script support) and execute 'sh build.sh' from the current directory. In Linux execute './build.sh' from the current directory.

Performance test results

In the results.7z can be found the results of all performance tests on which the analysis and conclusions will be based. It contains the following scenarios: local-warmup, docker-warmup and docker performance tests. The focus is mainly on the docker file, where the tests were run for version 1 (1 threads/app scaled to 4), version 2 (2 threads/app scaled to 2) and version 4 (4 threads/app scaled to 1). The main comparison is done between version 1 and version 4, version 2 being only a hybrid model of the previous two.

Copyright and License

All code is available to you under the Apache 2.0 license, available at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 and also in the LICENSE file.