
Vous en avez marre des moyennes ProNotes non-representatives ? Ouais, moi aussi.

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ProNote - MoyianeGeomonique

This project is documented in English, but meant for French students using ProNote. We're all tired of insignificant averages of our grades. That's why we introduce the memey Geomonic Meandian ! It's basically just a fancy mix of the classic average, the geometric average, the harmonic mean, as well as the median. It is meant to be more representative of the student's actual results.


First, you need a few dependencies (on top of node.js):

$ npm i --save @dorian-eydoux/pronote-api
$ npm i dotenv

Then, you need to setup a .env file like so, in the same directory as the main JS file:


If you aren't too sure about all the settings, please refer to this documentation.


From there on, usage is extremely simple, in the terminal, type:

$ node ./moyiane_geomonique

or you can specify a trimestre

$ node ./moyiane_geomonique Trimestre 2

It will output a table like so:

NAME name
           (index)             Values   
           Student              18.45   
         Classmates             14.85   
 Theoritical Perfect Student    19.59   
      Relative to Best        '94.64 %' │

For reference, the "perfecy student" isn't a single person, it is the best grade of every single test attended by the student, and the % of the relative grade is the GMD of the percentage of that best grade.