
Implemented attack on Smartcard RSA and decrypted the cipher text using Chinese Remainder Theorem in C. Smartcard RSA is cryptogrpahic challenge to decrypt cipher text. Challenge is attched in pdf "SmartCardRSA.pdf".

Probem statement is given in file :  SmartCardRSA.pdf
Values given in file : mtc3-kitrub-05-smartcard.txt

Used BigDigit Library which is open source software to handle big numbers.
Files used from BigDigit Library

Written three programs 
1. smartcard_rsa.c: In this file values of N, e and cipher text are harcoded. They are as per in the 
given problem statement. I have calculated value of p by mounting brute force attack on dp and by using 
sage software. Value of p is also hardcoded in this file and it is as per the output of sage software. 
This program based on N, e, p and cipher text calculates plain text message M using Chinese Remainder Theorem 
in ASCII string format. 

2. rsa.c: In this file values of N, e and cipher txt are hardcoded and they are as per in the given problem statement.
I have calculated value of private key d from sage software. Value of d is hardcoded in this file. I calculated 
plain text message M using normal RSA decruption algorithm and found that using both methods I am getting 
same plain text message.Also measure time taken by both programs and it clearly indicates decryption algorithm 
using Chinese Remainder Theorem is faster than decryption algorithm of normal RSA.

Output Snippet
prasad@ubuntu:~/BigDigit$ time ./smartcardRsa

plaintext = 8851286807750333299211247386603716102098212948868340444793378552783877632347545328977211646318917

Message in plain text : Artificial intelligence is the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer 
science that aims to create it.

real	0m0.026s
user	0m0.024s
sys	0m0.000s

prasad@ubuntu:~/Downloads/BigDigit$ time ./rsa 

plaintext = 8851286807750333299211247386603716102098212948868340444793378552783877632347545328977211646318917

Message in plain text : Artificial intelligence is the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer 
science that aims to create it.

real	0m0.134s
user	0m0.132s
sys	0m0.000s

3. brute_force_rsa.c: This file takes values of N, e and cipher text from command line. It calculates p by 
mounting brute force attack on dp. This works for small values only. Even after using BigDigit library it 
takes too much time to calculate large exponention values. Once p and dp are known it finds out plain text 
message in ASCII and decimal format using Chinese Remainder Theorem.

How to run
Run the following steps
1. Untar the folder SmartCardRSA.tar.gz using 
   tar -xzvf SmartCardRSA.tar.gz on linux terminal
2. Goto folder SmartCardRSA and run 'make' command on terminal
3. It will create smartcardRsa, rsa and bruteForceRsa executable files for above three files.
4. Run ./smartcardRsa to get the result using Chinese Remainder theorem decryption algorithm. By default DEBUG mode is off. You can also check   for 'time ./smardcardRsa' in order to measure time.
5. Run ./rsa to get the result using normal RSA decryption algorithm to compare the results. You can also check for 'time ./rsa' in order to     measure time.
5. Run ./bruteForceRsa executable using 
   './bruteForceRsa <value of N in decimal> <value of e in decimal> <value of cipher text in decimal>'
   './bruteForceRsa 17947 3 8363'
   By default DEBUG mode is off. 
6. To clean run 'make clean' command.