
matrix calculator written in c

About the calculator :

This program parses a given txt file according to spesific syntax and executes it's commands (in case no errors found) otherwise it writes errors back to the user.

Our functions :

read_mat(mat ,values[]) - puts a given numberic values into the given matrix field according to order.

print_mat(mat) - prints the given matrix.

add_mat(mat1, mat2, mat3) - puts in the theird matrix the sum of two given matrixes.

sub_mat(mat1, mat2, mat3) - puts in the theird matrix the sub of two given matrixes.

mul_mat(mat1, mat2, mat3) - puts in the theird matrix the matrix multiplication of two given matrices.

mul_scalar(mat1, scalar , mat2) - puts in the second matrix the scalar multiplication of given matrix and scalar.

trans_mat(mat1, mat2) - puts in the second matrix the matrix transformation of first given matrix.

stop(void) - stops the program

Our matrixs :

  • MAT_A
  • MAT_B
  • MAT_C
  • MAT_D
  • MAT_E
  • MAT_F