
Provides a means of authenticating users of both your reddit and Discord communities, recording who's who.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Contributors MIT License

Table of Contents

About Discreddit

Discreddit Start Screen

Discreddit allows you to authenticate users of your Discord and reddit communities, assuring you that /u/nameofsomeuser on reddit is the same person as SomeUser#3816 on Discord. The code has been adapted from another project and released as Discreddit on the request of a friend, so that they (and hopefully others) can make use of it in their communities.

Where does it come from?

Discreddit originates from the website of the Watch Dogs Discord, also moderators on /r/watch_dogs. We wanted to have a means of identifying shared users of both our communities, and rewarding those who were active in them both. So we set up a simple script to allow for open authentication (OAuth) through both reddit and Discord, which would on completion grant the user a @redditor role, and even provide them a bonus boost of our credit currency, on Discord.

Why not just look at people's Discord profiles? They can link their accounts officially through Discord.

It's true that users can link their Discord account with reddit officially, so it's possible for you to right click on a user in Discord and potentially verify their reddit username. But most users don't have their reddit account linked via Discord, and even then, not everyone who has makes it public. Crucially, bots cannot see a Discord user's linked accounts (which are only visible to them via OAuth). It also doesn't work the other way around (you can't look at a user on reddit and verify their Discord identity).

With Discreddit, we can gather the Discord user's reddit username, karma, status on your subreddit (are they muted, banned, subscribed, what's their flair, etc?) and impose conditions.

We could even use Discreddit to, say, set up a Discord community that is open only to contributors of your subreddit who have more than X karma. Or allow everyone in, but grant your most dedicated reddit users a special role on the Discord.

Built With

Server Requirements

  • A webserver supporting PHP 7+ and curl


  1. Upload the dist directory to your webserver and rename it (e.g. to dcr).
  2. Edit config.php (see configuration below).
  3. Make changes to index.php as needed. See template customisation.


There are numerous configuration options so please make sure you read over this section carefully.

Creating a Discord Application

  1. Head to the Discord Developer Portal here and create a new application. For a name, you could choose something like 'MyCommunity Auth'.

  2. You will be redirected to your new application's settings page. On the left hand side, click OAuth2.

  3. Under Redirects, click Add Redirect. Take the URL of the Discreddit directory (e.g. https://mysite.com/dcr/) and add ?return=discord on the end.

    The redirect URL should look like: https://mysite.com/dcr/?return=discord.

  4. Click Save Changes

Now that your application has been created and configured for OAuth, we are going to place its credentials into config.php. On our Discord application settings page, click General Information on the left hand side. Click to copy the CLIENT ID and CLIENT SECRET. These must be pasted into their respective fields in config.php.

The config has four key settings under discord => oauth:

  • client_id - grab this from the application settings page
  • client_secret - as with client_id, copy this from the application settings page
  • appname - set this to match the name of your Discord application e.g. 'MyCommunity Auth'
  • use_connections - this can be left as false. Only set this to true if you've looked through the code and want to make use of the DisCon() method.

Also under the General Information page, you can upload an icon for your application, which will show on the OAuth Consent screen.

Enabling Bot features

The steps under this heading are not required as bot features are optional and disabled by default. However, the bot functionality is strongly recommended.

Enabling Bot features would allow your Discreddit installation to (among other things):

  • gather information about a user's membership of your Discord guild. Enables: use of the has_role config setting to allow only users who are members of a specific role on your Discord server to link their reddit account; onguild_min setting to require a user to have been a member of your Discord server for X number of days before they can link their reddit account.
  • use the force_join setting to automatically join the user to your Discord guild if they aren't already a member (without this, you can still require that a Discord user is a member of your guild with the onguild requirement, but the user would have to manually join your Discord as normal).
  • upon successfully linking their Discord and reddit accounts, add a role to the Discord user or set their nickname to their reddit username (with DiscordMemberAddRole() and DiscordMemberChangeNick()).

To enable bot features:

  1. Back on your Discord application's settings in the Developer Portal, click Bot.
  2. Click on Add Bot and then Yes, do it!
  3. You can set the Public Bot option to off. The Requires OAuth2 Code Grant option will be off by default - leave it off. You may also optionally upload an avatar for the bot user from this page.
  4. Under TOKEN, click to copy it.
  5. In config.php under discord => bot, paste the copied token into the token field and set enabled to true.
  6. You must now join your newly created bot to your Discord guild:
    • Place your Discord application's Client ID (the same one you've placed into client_id in config.php) onto the end of the following URL: https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?scope=bot&permissions=402653185&client_id=
    • Visit the URL and select your guild from the dropdown (you may only add a Discord bot to a guild that you have permission to manage).
    • To avoid complications, the preconfigured permissions are best left ticked.
      • The Create Instant Invite permission is required for Discreddit to be able to force join users onto your guild.
      • The Manage Roles permission is recommended to allow Discreddit to be able to grant a role to a user.
      • The Manage Nicknames permission is finally recommended to allow Discreddit to be able to change a user's nickname
    • Click Authorize and the bot user will join your guild.

Note for those with existing Discord bot applications: the bot token used could come from another application, but if you intend to use the force_join functionality (to automatically join a Discord user to your guild if they're not already a member), the bot token must belong to the same application used for OAuth.

Creating a Reddit Application

  1. Head to the reddit developer applications page here
  2. Choose are you a developer? create an app / create another app
  3. Under the name field, you can once again choose something like 'MyCommunity Auth'. This could be identical to the name of your Discord OAuth Application.
  4. Leave the default application type as web app
  5. In the redirect uri field, enter the URL to your Discreddit directory (with trailing slash), followed by ?return=reddit e.g. https://mysite.com/dcr/?return=reddit). The other fields may be left blank.
  6. Press create app. You will now be presented with the client information.
  7. Copy and paste the client ID and client secret into reddit => oauth => client_id and client_secret in config.php.
  8. You must also set reddit => oauth => appname to the name of your reddit app (e.g. Beep Auth above), and author to your reddit username (e.g. HilbertGilbertson).

Configuring Communities

In config.php, you must set the following values:

  • discord =>

    • guild_id: the Discord ID of your guild
    • guild_title: the title of your Discord guild e.g. the MyCommunity Discord
    • invite_link: an invite link to your Discord guild
  • reddit =>

    • subreddit: the name of your subreddit. This will be the case sensitive string that comes after reddit.com/r/ e.g. watch_dogs
    • subreddit_title: the name of your subreddit e.g. /r/Watch_Dogs

Additional Config

  • discord => force_join: set this to true to force any Discord users who sign in through your Discreddit installation to join your Discord. If enabled they will be joined automatically.

    • If enabled, the Discord OAuth consent screen will additionally ask the Discord user for permission for your application to Join servers for you.
  • discord => oauth => use_connections:

    • If the user has officially linked their Discord account with a number of third-party services (e.g. skype, xbox, twitter, twitch, etc), enabling this setting will allow us to use the DisCon() function to fetch a particular third-party connection, if present.
    • If enabled, the Discord OAuth consent screen will additionally ask the Discord user for permission for your application to Access your third-party connections.
  • reddit => force_subscribe: set this to true to force any reddit users who sign in through your Discreddit installation to subscribe to your subreddit. If enabled they will be subscribed automatically.

    • If enabled, the reddit OAuth consent screen will additionally ask the reddit user for permission for your application to Manage my subreddit subscriptions. Manage "friends" - users whose content I follow.
    • You can still require the user to be subcribed without forceably subscribing them. If you enable the subscriber requirement (see requirements below) and the user is not subscribed to your subreddit, then they will be able to subscribe manually and Discreddit will then allow them to pass.
    • This setting is not a substitution for the subscriber requirement, and if enabled it is strongly recommended that you also ensure the subscriber requirement is set to true.
  • this_url: must be set to the valid URL of your installation, complete with trailing slash e.g. https:///mysite.com/dcr/

  • cookie_warning: whether to display a cookie warning to users (set to true or false)

  • use_tos: whether to require the user to agree to T&Cs (you must edit the link to the T&Cs in index.php). Set to true and users will see a link and have to agree.

DB Config

Discreddit supports MySQL and SQLite. It is recommended that enable database storage, in order to keep a record of a user's Discord ID and reddit handle (such that bots or other applications can later make use of this information), and to prevent users from attempting to link an account more than once.


Discreddit can connect to a MySQL database (using only one table, for which the template SQL file can be found in the extra directory (extra/db.sql).

In config.php, set use_db to mysql, and in the mysql array, configure host, dbname, user and password to match the appropriate credentials.

The table name should be discreddit, but this can be changed by editing Discreddit.DB.php, should you wish to use the Discreddit table in an existing database, for example.


As an alternative to MySQL, Discreddit can use an SQLite database file, and a db.sqlite3 file is provided in the extra directory.

Simply upload the db.sqlite3 file to a directory outside of your webroot (or within the webroot if using htaccess to deny access to it, for example).

Ensure that the file is writable by the web user (e.g. 644 permissions), and then modify config.php, setting use_db to sqlite and sqlite_path to the full file path to db.sqlite3.


The requirements configuration can be found in config.php, and determines what requirements a user will have to meet, both in respect of reddit and discord, before being able to link their accounts.

Want to have no restrictions at all? No problem. Want to ensure users have 500 karma and are Nitro Boosters? Sure thing!

Reddit Requirements

  • min_karma: require the user to have x number of total karma (comment karma and link karma combined). Set to 0 or false to disable.
  • min_age: require the user to have been a member of reddit for x number of days (useful to help prevent new accounts from immediately being linked). Set to 0 or false to disable.
  • min_sr_karma: require the user to have x number of total karma on your subreddit. Set to 0 or false to disable.
  • subscriber: require the user to subscribe to your reddit. When the reddit => force_subscribe option is set to true, this condition should almost always be passed (unless the user is banned from your subreddit, for example).

Discord Requirements

  • min_age: require the user to have created their Discord account at least x number of days ago. Set to 0 or false to disable.
  • onguild: requires the user to be a member of your Discord guild. Set to true or false.
  • onguild_min: require the user to have been a member of your Discord guild for x number of days. Set to 0 or false to disable.
  • has_role: requires the user to have a specific role on your Discord guild to be eligible to link their accounts. Set to false to disable. To enable, must be set to an array of id => role ID, name => role name. e.g. 'has_role' => array('id' => 168872590704115715, 'name' => 'VIP Members').

Sample API

In the event that you have applications (e.g. a Discord bot) that you want to be able to look up users (by their reddit handles or Discord IDs), Discreddit has a sample API script for this purpose.

You can find the API script in extra/api. It is not required on standard installation (you only need the files in the dist directory), and in any case should not be implemented without some customisation.


What would you like Discreddit to do when someone has identified both their reddit and Discord accounts and satisfied your requirements (if any)?

By default, Discreddit will simply create a record in the database upon success, if the use_db config option is enabled. If you want to do anything more, you'll need to implement some of the available methods. We can do this by placing our completion code in Discreddit.php.

  1. Open Discreddit.php in your chosen editor.
  2. Look for the onCompletion() method. This method will be called upon successful linking.
private function onCompletion()
         * Place your actions here.


For example, if we wanted to add a Discord role to the user on completion:

private function onCompletion() {
  $this->DiscordMemberAddRole($this->discord->user->id, '298209989909020672');

If we wanted to post a message into a channel with a webhook when the user links their account, we could place the following inside the onCompletion() method:

$embed = ['title' => "Reddit Account Linked",
  'description' => "<@{$this->discord->user->id}> just linked their reddit account.",
  'color' => 16728833,
  'footer' => [
    'text' => "Powered by Discreddit"
  'fields' => 
      'name' => "Reddit",
      'value' => "[/u/{$this->reddit->user->name}](https://reddit.com/u/{$this->reddit->user->name})",
      'inline' => true
       'name' => "Discord",
       'value' => $this->discord->user->username . "#" . $this->discord->user->discriminator,
       'inline' => true

  "https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/275471922946896031/blahblahblah", //webhook URL
  [ $embed ],

Or if we wanted to post this message as our bot user instead of via a webhook:

$this->DiscordPostMsg('272004382659313664', null, $embed);

If we wanted to set the Discord user's nickname to their reddit username (up to 32 characters):

$this->DiscordMemberChangeNick($this->discord->user->id, substr($this->reddit->user->name, 0, 32));

Template Customisation

The template in Discreddit is rather simple but functional. All JS & CSS code is compressed contained within the page, with zero dependence on locally hosted files. The uncompressed CSS & JS can be found in the extra/src directory (which does not need to be uploaded), should you need to edit it.

In index.php, there are some holding paragraphs that you should replace:

Here's the place to explain all the wonderful benefits you're offering users linking their
reddit and Discord accounts on your community.
Your Discord and reddit accounts are now linked with our community.
Congratulations message goes here.
<label for="tos_agree" class="small">
I accept the <a href="https://link/to/my/tos" target="_blank">TOS & Privacy Policy</a>

You only need to place a link above to your terms if you have enabled the use_tos option in config.php.

The template also features a copyright and attribution footer; you may remove this (and make all the changes you want) so long as you clearly credit me somewhere in your implementation of Discreddit.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.


HilbertGilbertson - @HilbertsGilbert

Project URL: https://github.com/HilbertGilbertson/Discreddit
