
Lightweight eventbus with async compatibility for Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

MyGoBus --- Lightweight eventbus with async compatibility for Go

What it is

Package EventBus is the little and lightweight eventbus with async compatibility for GoLang.


Based on EventBus, but fixed many error on original repo.



go get github.com/HildaM/MyGoBus

Import package in your project

import "github.com/HildaM/MyGoBus"


func mygo(msg string) {
	fmt.Printf("MyGo Hello: %s\n", msg)

func main() {
	bus := EventBus.New();
	bus.Subscribe("main:mygo", mygo);
	bus.Publish("main:mygo", "Anno");
	bus.Unsubscribe("main:mygo", mygo);

Implemented methods

  • New()
  • Subscribe()
  • SubscribeOnce()
  • HasCallBack()
  • UnSubscribe()
  • Publish()
  • SubscribeAsync()
  • SubscribeOnceAsync()
  • WaitAsync()


New returns new EventBus with empty handlers.

bus := EventBus.New();

Subscribe(topic string, fn interface{}) error

Subscribe to a topic. Returns error if fn is not a function.

func Handler() { ... }
bus.Subscribe("topic:handler", Handler)

SubscribeOnce(topic string, fn interface{}) error

Subscribe to a topic once. Handler will be removed after executing. Returns error if fn is not a function.

func HelloWorld() { ... }
bus.SubscribeOnce("topic:handler", HelloWorld)

UnSubscribe(topic string, fn interface{}) error

Remove callback defined for a topic. Returns error if there are no callbacks subscribed to the topic.

bus.UnSubscribe("topic:handler", HelloWord);

HasCallBack(topic string) bool

Returns true if exists any callback subscribed to the topic.

Publish(topic string, args ...interface{})

Publish executes callback defined for a topic. Any additional argument will be transferred to the callback.

func Handler(str string) { ... }
bus.Subscribe("topic:handler", Handler)
bus.Publish("topic:handler", "Hello, World!");

SubscribeAsync(topic string, fn interface{}, transactional bool)

Subscribe to a topic with an asynchronous callback. Returns error if fn is not a function.

func slowCalculator(a, b int) {
	time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
	fmt.Printf("%d\n", a + b)

bus := EventBus.New()
bus.SubscribeAsync("main:slow_calculator", slowCalculator, false)

bus.Publish("main:slow_calculator", 20, 60)

fmt.Println("start: do some stuff while waiting for a result")
fmt.Println("end: do some stuff while waiting for a result")

bus.WaitAsync() // wait for all async callbacks to complete

fmt.Println("do some stuff after waiting for result")

Transactional determines whether subsequent callbacks for a topic are run serially (true) or concurrently(false)

SubscribeOnceAsync(topic string, args ...interface{})

SubscribeOnceAsync works like SubscribeOnce except the callback to executed asynchronously


WaitAsync waits for all async callbacks to complete.

Cross Process Events

Works with two rpc services:

  • a client service to listen to remotely published events from a server
  • a server service to listen to client subscriptions


func main() {
    server := NewServer(":2010", "/_server_bus_", New())
    // ...
    server.EventBus().Publish("main:calculator", 4, 6)
    // ...


func main() {
    client := NewClient(":2015", "/_client_bus_", New())
    client.Subscribe("main:calculator", calculator, ":2010", "/_server_bus_")
    // ...