CareNest: Bridging the Gap in Childcare


In Calgary, the demand for quality child care is overwhelming. Many families are faced with the reality of having to find a reliable, safe day home for their little ones; something further compounded by long waiting lists and limited spots. This gap not only stressed parents but also limited their opportunities for work and personal growth. This is why we were inspired to start CareNest: to be the kind of platform that ensures families can find the trusted care they need for their children, wherever they are.

What We Learned

📊 How to interpret a data set to inform our design decisions 👨🏻‍🍼 Learning more about the child care sector and the surrounding policies in Alberta and Calgary 💻 Ideating, Designing, Iterating and Developing user flows in a short amount of time

How We Built It

  • Next.js (Front-end & Back-end)
  • TailwindCSS (Utility-based styling)
  • shadcn/ui (Component library)
  • Firebase (Authentication & Database)

Challenges We Faced

🕐 Time constraints

Conclusion & Future Work

  • Connecting front-end to back-end
  • Creating database schemas for the various UI and business logic requirements
  • Designing a more cohesive brand identity