Configure publication to Maven Central repository for Gradle projects with minimal effort.
You can pack your Sonatype and GPG keys once, then use it around any projects directly. You can add it into your global or store in GitHub secretes for Actions.
The plugin automatically signs all the artifacts using your GPG keys from the pre-set credentials. So you don't need any other steps for it. Also, no concerns on the singing and publishing integration!
This simplest configuration applies to most projects:
mavenCentralPublish {
singleDevGithubProject("Him188", "maven-central-publish")
By running 'publish', everything will be done by the plugin.
The plugin provides a task previewPublication
allowing you to know everything about the project being published. An
The plugin supports not only KMM with Native targets, but hierarchical multiplatform projects.
For example a nativeBaseMain with androidArm64Main and iosArm64Main depending on it.
Hierarchical JVM projects are also supported: a shared jvmBaseMain with jvmDesktopMain and androidMain.
When your multiplatform project targets JVM, you can set publishPlatformArtifactsInRootModule="jvm"
to allow the
plugin to add a dependency to the jvm module on the root module.
This enables users who can not access Gradle Metadata to add dependency using the root module without '-jvm' suffix.
plugins {
id("me.him188.maven-central-publish") version "1.0.0-dev-1"
You can read these tutorials if you are new to publishing. Also, you can continue reading this article for quick reference.
The plugin adds a mavenCentralPublish
configuration. This chapter shows some handy examples.
See MavenCentralPublishExtension for full details for each property.
As required by Maven Central, you would need
- project id and group ----
- project name ----
- project description ----
- project url ----
- project SCM ----
- project licenses ----
- project developers ----
It would be easier to keep your
, project.version
same as which you want to use for
your published artifacts.
A recommended, minimal, manual configuration is:
mavenCentralPublish {
// If different from that from project, specify manually:
artifactId = "kotlin-jvm-blocking-bridge-runtime"
groupId = "me.him188"
projectName = "Kotlin JVM Blocking Bridge Runtime"
// description from project.description by default
url = ""
connection = "scm:git:git://"
license("Apache-2.0", "")
However, configuration for GitHub projects can be simplified:
mavenCentralPublish {
// If different from that from project, specify manually:
artifactId = "kotlin-jvm-blocking-bridge-runtime"
groupId = "me.him188"
projectName = "Kotlin JVM Blocking Bridge Runtime"
githubProject("him188", "kotlin-jvm-blocking-bridge")
// and can be more simplified as
singleDevGithubProject("him188", "kotlin-jvm-blocking-bridge")
The mavenCentralPublish { }
contain only the required information. You can add further configurators as follows. Note
that all these configurators override the properties in mavenCentralPublish { }
mavenCentralPublish {
pom { // this: MavenPom
// Configures the pom. Example:
name.set("Project Name Here") // This 'overrides' mavenCentralPublish.projectName
inceptionYear.set("2021") // Set more optional details
publication { // this: MavenPublication
// Configures the publication.
groupId = "me.him188" // This 'overrides' mavenCentralPublish.groupId
from(components.getByName("java")) // Add custom component if needed. You may also set `mavenCentralPublish.addProjectComponents` to `false` to disable default components.
artifact(tasks.get("myCustomJarTask")) // You can a custom artifact
This is only for Kotlin MPP with JVM targets. This enables Maven to access your project without the '-jvm' suffix.
mavenCentralPublish {
publishPlatformArtifactsInRootModule = "jvm" // name of your JVM target ---- it is "jvm" by default.
As described, Shadow plugin automatically
adds an artifact "$name-$version-all.jar" to all MavenPublication
s. This file will be included in the publication.
This would work normally if both mavenCentralPublish.artifactId ==
and mavenCentralPublish.version == project.version
. However, if not, you should rename the '-all' artifact as follows:
tasks.withType(com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar::class) {
mavenCentralPublish {
publication {
All tasks are in the group 'publishing' like the task 'publish'.
Ensures publication credentials is set.
Ensures project is ready to publish with all required information configured.
Have a preview at the project structure to be published to eliminate your concerns and saves time. Example:
Publication Preview
Root module:
GroupId: group-id
ArtifactId: project-name
Version: 1.0.0
Your project targets multi platforms.
Target platforms include: js, jvm, common, linuxX64, macosX64
Artifact ids are:
Gradle users can add multiplatform dependency in commonMain by `implementation("group-id:project-name:1.0.0")`.
Gradle users can also add jvm dependency by `implementation("group-id:project-name:1.0.0")`.
Maven users can only add JVM dependencies, including: jvm
Maven users can add jvm dependency as follows:
You have configured to publish jvm into root module.
So, Maven users can also add jvm dependency as follows:
Publication Preview End
I personally develop various libraries and publish them to Maven Central. So even without anyone's help, I will continue to maintain this plugin. However, it would be really lovely if you could give me a star!