
This Docker container runs a simple DNS-to-DNS-over-TLS proxy that forwards DNS queries to DNS-over-TLS servers of Google and Cloudflare.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

DNS-to-DNS-over-TLS Proxy

This Docker container runs a simple DNS-to-DNS-over-TLS proxy that forwards DNS queries to DNS-over-TLS servers of Google and Cloudflare and prompt the user for DOT server input in case of no response from mentioned DNS-over-TLS server.


  • Docker


  1. Clone this repository: https://github.com/HimanshuChauhan007/dns-dns-over-tls-proxy.git

Building the Docker Image

docker build -t dns-proxy .

Running the Docker Container

docker run -d -p 53:53 dns-proxy

Configure Your Client to Use the Proxy:

Command to get <container_id>: docker ps OR docker container ls

Identify the IP address of the running container using docker inspect <container_id> | grep "IPAddress" OR docker inspect <container_id> | findstr "IPAddress" Configure your client application (e.g., your computer's network settings) to use the container's IP address as the primary DNS server.

Testing the Proxy

Once the container is running, you can test the DNS-to-DNS-over-TLS proxy by sending DNS queries to it. Here's an example using dig OR nslookup command: dig www.google.com @<container_ip_address>