This capsule contains 20 side projects completed in time span of 9 months.
Following are the project titles:-
Kyphosis disease detection
Heart disease prediction
Lung cancer detection
Breast cancer classification
Diabetes onset detection
DNA classification
Predicting customer clicks on FB ads (Machine Learning)
Email spam detection (Machine Learning)
Credit Card fraud detection (Machine Learning)
Amazon Alexa review feedback analysis (Natural Language Processing)
Data analysis and customer segmentation model in banking (Data Science)
Monte Carlo RL algorithms in tic tac toe game (Reinforcement Learning)
Traditional AI algorithms in ping pong game (Algorithms)
Fashion MNIST data generation using GANs (Deep Learning)
Style transfer learning for images using VGG-19 (Deep Learning)
Exploring Amazon Forest (Deep Learning)
Movie dialogue chat bot
Stock prediction using boosted trees and evolutionary algorithms
ProFlow (Android app for team productivity and communication)
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