RedBus - Bus Reservation System

This is a Bus Booking application built using Spring Boot, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, Spring Security, thymeleaf and JPA. The application allows users to find buses from a source to a destination and book seats in those buses.

Technology used

  • Spring boot
  • Hibernate
  • PostgreSQL
  • Spring Security
  • Thymeleaf
  • JPA
  • flying saucer library


  • Two roles: Passenger and admin.

  • Custom Success Handler: The Custom Success Handler , Handles the request basis on the ROle of the User after Login process --> if the ROle is Admin , it will redirect to Admin Dashboard , if Role is User then it will redirect to User Dashboard .

  • Admin Dashboard: Admin Dashboard shows a form to upload the Bus data, and it gets stored in Bus data Table.

  • User Dashboard: User Dashboard shows a filter to filter the Buses available for your to destination to from destination on a particular date.

  • Filtered Data: Buses Data is visible on Dashboard screen in the form of table.

  • Booking Page: Here you will enter the no of passengers who are tralvelling along with you and automatically the Cost you have to pay will be calculated after you click on pay .

  • Ticket: A Dynamic Ticket is generated after you click on pay, if the passenger has lost the Ticket , he can again request for Generation of Ticket from his bookings page.

  • Summary Page: This the Page where all your booking are available in Tabular Format and a button for Cancellation and Ticket Generation is given .

  • Cancel button: You can Cancel your booking , by clicking on the Cancel button .