Welcome to Your URL Shortening and User Management API 🚀[ baseUrlhttp://localhost:8000
Table of Contents
Introduction 🚀 API Usage URL Shortening User Management 🌟 Key Functionalities 💻 Implementation Details
Introduction Welcome to the documentation for your supercharged URL Shortening and User Management API! Below, you'll find everything you need to know to get started.
🚀 API Usage URL Shortening 2.1 Shorten URL
Endpoint: POST /url/shorten
Description: Shorten a given URL.
Request: JSON Copy code { "url": "https://www.example.com" }
Response: Success (200 OK): JSON Copy code { "shortenedUrl": "https://short.url/abc123", "originalUrl": "https://www.example.com", "expiresAt": "2023-12-31T23:59:59.999Z" }
Error (4xx or 5xx): JSON Copy code { "error": "Error message here" }
2.2 Custom Shorten URL
Endpoint: POST /url/customShorten
Description: Shorten a URL with a custom path.
Request: JSON Copy code { "url": "https://www.example.com", "customPath": "my-custom-path" }
Response: Success (200 OK): JSON Copy code { "shortenedUrl": "https://short.url/my-custom-path", "originalUrl": "https://www.example.com", "expiresAt": "2023-12-31T23:59:59.999Z" }
Error (4xx or 5xx): JSON Copy code { "error": "Error message here" }
2.3 Get All Shortened URLs
Endpoint: GET /url/getall
Description: Retrieve all shortened URLs.
Response: Success (200 OK): JSON Copy code [ { "shortenedUrl": "https://short.url/abc123", "originalUrl": "https://www.example.com", "expiresAt": "2023-12-31T23:59:59.999Z" }, // ... other URLs ]
Error (4xx or 5xx): JSON Copy code { "error": "Error message here" }
2.4 Redirect to the Original URL
Endpoint: GET /url/:shortenedPath
Description: Redirect to the original URL associated with the given shortened path.
Response: Redirects to the original URL.
User Management
2.5 User Register
Endpoint: POST /user/register
Description: register as a user.
Request: JSON Copy code { "name": "Example Company", "logo": "https://example.com/logo.png", "email": "example@example.com", "password": "hashed_password_here", "role": "Admin", "urlPreferences": { "allowCustomAlias": true, "expireAfter": 30 } }
2.6 User Login
Endpoint: POST /user/login
Description: Log in as a user.
Request: JSON Copy code { "email": "user@example.com", "password": "supersecurepassword" }
Response: Success (200 OK): JSON Copy code { "token": "jwt_token_here" }
Error (4xx or 5xx): JSON Copy code { "error": "Error message here" }
2.7 User Logout
Endpoint: POST /user/logout
Description: Log out the authenticated user.
Authorization Header: Bearer token.
JSON Copy code { "message": "Logout successful" }
2.8 Update User Details
Endpoint: PATCH /user/update/:id
Description: Update user details.
Authorization Header: Bearer token.
JSON Copy code { // ... fields to be updated } Response: JSON Copy code { "message": "User details updated successfully" }
Key Functionalities URL Shortening: Shorten a URL. Shorten a URL with a custom path. Retrieve all shortened URLs. Redirect to the original URL using the shortened path. User Management: User login with JWT authentication. User logout. User registration. Could you update the user details?
Implementation Details Technologies Used Express.js MongoDB Winston Logger JWT for Authentication Middleware CORS Request Logging Middleware Routes /URL: URL Shortening Routes /user: User Management Routes Database MongoDB Atlas