Open Forum Social
A web application providing a platform for users to socialize on Internet.
- Users can signup using their google account or register with their credentials.
- Users can create a post containing title, description and an image.
- Users can upvote any post and comment.
- Users are rewarded points for each post and comment.
- Users are given badges based on the points they earn.
- A leaderboard showing all the popular users at that time.
- A Trending section showing all the trending posts at that time.
Tools and tech
- Node.js
- Express.js
- React-Redux
- Material UI
- MongoDB
- Heroku
- Postman
- Amazon S3
- Sentry
- Travis
- Coveralls
API Documentation
ER diagram
Instructions to run
You can either run it locally using the given commands.
npm install
node app.js
Test our API at:
You can also have a look at the site hosted at: