
Natural encryption library for PHP

Primary LanguagePHP

NE - Natural Encryption


  • A 192-bit hash function
  • symmetric string encryption




require 'neh.php';

echo neh_hash('Hello world');

Output: 8041a8808041a880c0913a0895ba8b31483764ec7dff62d0

The hash function returns a 192-bit string (48 hexadecimal chars)

Symmetric encryption


require 'nes.php';

// assign a key to either random bytes or a string of your choice
$key = 'custom key can be anything';

$str = nes_encrypt('Hello world', $key);

echo $str . PHP_EOL;

echo nes_decrypt($str, $key) . PHP_EOL;

// note that this is another key (a -> A)
echo nes_decrypt($str, 'custom key can Anything');


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Hello world
&- �7��� �;�h����

A symmetric encrypted string is not hexadecimal, rather in bytes to shorten the output. Currently, the length of the output is 3n (n = original input message length)