
In this project contains an Api testing using Rest-assured and check the functionality of Dmoney API. Using a variety of test cases and scenarios, in this project user enables to check the functionalities of dmoney API by using rest assured framework.

Primary LanguageJava



  1. Call login API
  2. Create a new customer and an agent
  3. Search by the customer phone number
  4. Deposit 5000 tk to the Agent from system
  5. Deposit 2000 tk by agent to customer
  6. Check balance of customer
  7. Check statement by trnxId
  8. Withdraw 1000 tk by customer and assert expected balance
  9. Send 500 tk to another customer and assert expected balance
  10. Check customer statement

Technology and Tool Used:

  • Rest-assured
  • TestNG
  • Java
  • Gradle
  • intellij idea
  • jackson-databind
  • Allure
  • lombok


  • JDK 8 or higher
  • java IDE
  • configure JAVA_HOME and GRADLE_HOME

How to run this project:

  • Clone this project
  • Hit the following command: gradle clean test

Command for Allure Report

  • After run the project give the following command for generate Allure Report ` -- allure generate allure-results --clean -o allure-report -- allure serve allure-results

Test cases:

Allure Reports:



Gradle Report:

testRunnerGradleReport userRunnerReportGradle transReportGradle


User Test Runner: UserTestRunner Transaction Test Runner: TransactionTestRunner

Video Output:
