
Backend server made in Rust Language link: https://rust-rocket01.herokuapp.com/

Primary LanguageRust

Rust_Server 🚀 and Deployment on Heroku

Rust is a low level programming language for high performance and security. Rocket 🚀 is web framework for web development in Rust Language. Heroku is used to deploy Rust web applications.

Link : https://rust-rocket01.herokuapp.com/

- Rust Server

#![feature(proc_macro_hygiene, decl_macro)]

extern crate rocket;

use rocket::request::Form;
use rocket::response::content::Html;

First, we need to include rocket framework. rocket:: rocket::Form is used to get data of form on POST request. rocket:: rocket:content::Html is used for returning Html so that our page shows HTML rather than string.

This is get request from which client is make a post request.

fn getRequest()-> Html<String>{
    let h1=format!("
        <form action='/num' method='post'>
            <input type='number' placeholder='Enter number'
                name='number' id='number'>
            <input type='Submit'>

It shows a form which has input field of type Number and make a post request to the ("/num"), which is the post request url, in action atrbute.

struct Number{
    number : i32,

The above code is use to tell rust what fields are contain in our post request data and of which DataType.

#[post("/num", data = "<number>")]
fn recieveRequest(number : Form<Number>) -> Html<String> {
   let h1=format!("
    ", number.number);

This code is used when post request (submit button is clicked) is made, the data sent by client is recieved in data='<number>' and then rust use this parameter as argument variable. This variable number has datatype of Form<Number>, 'Number' which is struct.Then we write the html in format!() macro, which is then return as Html<String>.

For More Help, go to Rocket Framework

This site helps a lot in writing your server.

- Deployment

For Linux

1. Heroku Installation

  1. First of all, Make a account on Heroku

For deployment of Application, I will recommend Heroku CLI

  1. For installation of Heroku CLI, Run this command in your terminal
sudo snap install --classic heroku
  1. Verify your installation using this command.
heroku --version 
# heroku/7.0.0 (darwin-x64) node-v8.0.0
  1. Login to Heroku Account
heroku login -i

2. Deployment

  1. In the root directory of your written application, open terminal and enter this command.

What is root Directory?

    |   |_main.rs

In this case, myrepo is your root Directory.



Now write this command,

heroku create YourRepoName \
  --buildpack https://github.com/emk/heroku-buildpack-rust.git
  1. Now, make these four files namely : Procfile, rust-toolchain, RustConfig, .travis.yml


Write this content in your Procfile

web: ROCKET_PORT=$PORT target/release/YourLocalRepoName

like according to example: 
web: ROCKET_PORT=$PORT target/release/myrepo


Write this content in your rust-toolchain file


As the rocket framework works with rust-nightly version, so we have to tell Heroku that our application works with rust-nightly.


Write this content in your RustConfig file



Write this content in your .travis.yml file

language: rust
sudo: required
- nightly
- |
  cargo build &&
  cargo test
  1. Your repo structure is something like this.
    |   |_main.rs
  1. Now, the last step to deploy your application, run:
heroku config:set ROCKET_ENV=production
git add .
git commit -m 'commitMsg'
git push heroku master

Your application has been deployed 😃😃😃, now you can see your application using url given by heroku 👏👏👏

You have done!! 🚀🚀