
A Ballerina app that interacts with a MySQL database to handle employee details.

Primary LanguageBallerina


A Ballerina app that interacts with a MySQL database to handle employee details.


This package connects to a MySQL database and updates a list of employees through the configurations. Using that details, it filters the details of employees who are working on a given project and prints those details.

The database information and the employee details can be configured through Config.toml in the following format.

port = <PORT>
name = "<DB_NAME>"

username = "<USER_NAME>"
password = "<PASSWORD>"

emp_id = 123
name = "John Doe"
salary = 10000.0
position = "Software Engineer"
projects = ["module1"]

The position field of an employee is represented using Ballerina Enumerations. Therefore, the supported values are,

    "Software Engineer",
    "Project Manager",
    "Tech Lead"

The flow diagram of the EmployeeApp can be shown as below,


How to run the App

To print the employee details from a specific project, we need to provide the project name as a command-line argument.

Eg. If the project name is DBMS_module,

bal run -- DBMS_module

The output will be,

Compiling source

Running executable

Connected to database!
{"time":"2021-06-04T09:58:56.828+05:30", "level":"INFO", "module":"hinduja/EmployeeApp", "message":"Employees who worked in project : ", "project":"DBMS_module"}
{"emp_id":101,"name":"Jack","position":"Software Engineer"}
{"emp_id":102,"name":"John","position":"Tech Lead"}
{"emp_id":103,"name":"Jill","position":"Project Manager"}

The database related details can be found at module dbConnector.