
Modern CLI for Apache Kafka, written in Go.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Run go install from cmd/kaf directory

The Hinge fork has additional features for working with Confluent and Debezium Schema Header messages. It supports consuming and producing with Confluent Schema Headers, and comsuming messages with Debezium schema headers.


See below/command help for general usage instructions. This section focuses on use cases involving functionality that has been added in the fork.

Consume from topic with Confluent Headers

kaf --cluster $cluster consume $topicname --proto-include /path/to/protobufs/ --proto-type $protoname --trim-message-header-bytes 6

Consume from topic with Debezium Headers

kaf --cluster $cluster consume $topicname --trim-message-header-bytes 5 --trim-key-header-bytes 5

Query for message with key in topic with Confluent Headers

kaf --cluster $cluster query $topicname --key $querykey --proto-include /path/to/protobufs/ --proto-type $protoname --trim-message-header-bytes 6

Produce message to topic with Confluent Headers

kaf --cluster $cluster produce $topicname --schema-registry-type confluent --schema-registry-key $schemakey --schema-registry-secret $schemasecret --schema-registry-url $schemaurl --proto-include /path/to/protobufs/ --proto-type $protoname --key $msgkey

Original Readme

Kafka CLI inspired by kubectl & docker

Actions Status GoReportCard GoDoc AUR version



Install via Go from source:

go install github.com/birdayz/kaf/cmd/kaf@latest

Install via install script:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/birdayz/kaf/master/godownloader.sh | BINDIR=$HOME/bin bash

Install on Archlinux via AUR:

yay -S kaf-bin

Install via Homebrew:

brew tap birdayz/kaf
brew install kaf


Show the tool version

kaf --version

Add a local Kafka with no auth

kaf config add-cluster local -b localhost:9092

Select cluster from dropdown list

kaf config select-cluster

Describe and List nodes

kaf node ls

List topics, partitions and replicas

kaf topics

Describe a given topic called mqtt.messages.incoming

kaf topic describe mqtt.messages.incoming

Group Inspection

List consumer groups

kaf groups

Describe a given consumer group called dispatcher

kaf group describe dispatcher

Write message into given topic from stdin

echo test | kaf produce mqtt.messages.incoming

Offset Reset

Set offset for consumer group dispatcher consuming from topic mqtt.messages.incoming to latest for all partitions

kaf group commit dispatcher -t mqtt.messages.incoming --offset latest --all-partitions

Set offset to oldest

kaf group commit dispatcher -t mqtt.messages.incoming --offset oldest --all-partitions

Set offset to 1001 for partition 0

kaf group commit dispatcher -t mqtt.messages.incoming --offset 1001 --partition 0


See the examples folder

Shell autocompletion

Source the completion script in your shell commands file:

Bash Linux:

kaf completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/kaf

Bash MacOS:

kaf completion bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/kaf


kaf completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_kaf"


kaf completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/kaf.fish


Invoke-Expression (@(kaf completion powershell) -replace " ''\)$"," ' ')" -join "`n")


  • The streaming data platform for developers
  • Single binary w/no dependencies
  • Fully Kafka API compatible
  • 10x lower P99 latencies, 6x faster transactions
  • Zero data loss by default