
Circular_Genome-mutationPointOffsetRange causes segfault

VincentRagusa opened this issue · 7 comments

In circular genome:

mutationPointOffsetRange = 1.0 #(double) range of PointOffset mutation

the default value of the parameter is 1.0 and is described as a double value, but the value 0.1 causes a segfault.

I take it back. I ran a new million mutations without segfault... I'm not seeing any issue here. Are you using an up to date version of the code? If so, I'm going to need a test case that fails (at least settings_organism.cfg that crashes).

I do remember there being an issue at one point. It's possible that the issue was fixed, and I forgot that I fixed it already...

This file recreates it on both master and development. Sorry if I'm missing something obvious.