
automated executable-level functional and consistency testing

Primary LanguagePython


automated executable-level functional and consistency testing mtest.py


This is very much a work-in-progress at the moment as we decide the best way to include all relevant modes of testing.

To Do

  • Create convenience utility to run baseline or testline mabe with arguments
  • Capture stdout to a standard filename ex: stdout.txt
  • Capture stderr to a standard filename ex: stderr.txt
  • Modify ABDiff to accept a path (and path-sep-agnostic)
  • Add ability to specify only specific tests ex: pass 'defaults' for test_defaults.py to be run


During MABE development we want to ensure that we do not inadvertently change (or break) the functioning of other parts of MABE. To do this we can compare MABE output from your development version to an older version. This tool can be told to compare against any branch or commit hash.

Simple testing relies on the pytest module. Group tests into files of the format test_*.py with tests as functions named test_*() which perform an assert.

Test functions will be run in the order they are specified, allowing setup and teardown functions, if needed. A helper function ABdiff(filename) is included that will compare the same file in your version of MABE with the older version of MABE.


  • make
  • gcc compiler >= 6.2
  • python3 >= 3.5
  • git


$ python mtest.py -h
usage: contest.py [-h] [-ls] [-s SUBSET]
                  [repo] [branch1] [branch2] [makeCommand] [exeName]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -ls, --list           list all available tests found
  -s SUBSET, --subset SUBSET
                        test filter expression: "defaults and not settings"


Download MABE_testing into your MABE repo

git clone https://github.com/hintzelab/mabe_testing
cd mabe_testing

Test your feature-myfeature branch against development with all tests

python contest.py https://github.com/hintzelab/mabe development feature-myfeature "python pythonTools/mbuild.py -p4" mabe

More advanced testing
Here, we run only a subset of the tests using a grammar-style search string "reload and brains and Markov", basing both branches off the local repo up one directory, and overriding buildOptions with a custom one before building:

python contest.py -s "reload and brains and Markov" ../ development mybranch \
"cp ~/custom/buildOptions.txt . && python pythonTools/mbuild.py -g make && make -j24" mabe