
New client for Core / public facing v2 Frederick APIs

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Codeship Status for BookerSoftwareInc/frederick_api_gem

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This gem provides a client for Frederick's V2 APIs.

Note: Our V2 APIs have not yet been released for use by customers or partners. See Frederick Developers for supported APIs and documentation.


Put this in your Gemfile:

gem 'frederick_api'

You're now ready to go with Frederick's v2 API!

Configuring FrederickAPI

You can use FrederickAPI.configure or environment variables to configure the Frederick API client.

# config/initializers/frederick_api.rb
FrederickAPI.configure do |c|
  c.base_url = 'https://api.hirefrederick.com'
  c.public_base_url = 'https://api.public.hirefrederick.com'
  c.api_key = '1234-5678-1234-5678-1234-5678'

Environment variables can also be used:

  • FREDERICK_API_BASE_URL: Same as base_url above
  • FREDERICK_API_PUBLIC_BASE_URL: Same as public_base_url above
  • FREDERICK_API_KEY: Same as api_key above


  • For testing (default), use FREDERICK_API_BASE_URL = https://api.staging.hirefrederick.com and FREDERICK_API_PUBLIC_BASE_URL = https://api.public.staging.hirefrederick.com
  • For production, use FREDERICK_API_BASE_URL = https://api.hirefrederick.com

NOTE: You must specify the production base URL of https://api.hirefrederick.com in order to use this gem with Frederick's production API.


Frederick V2 Resources correspond to (JSON API compatible) APIs and use the json_api_client gem under the hood, so provide access to standard "ActiveRecord-like" functionaliy such as .create, .find, .where, .order, .includes to create, find, filter, sort, and include relationships.

Access Tokens

An access token is required to access resources on behalf of a use. Use Resource.with_access_token { ... } to make requests with an access token.

location_id = '6fdf0530-3e4e-46f1-9d11-5f90c48a50dc'
access_token = '9jsdo320fjfkfdksls30dfdcd919bcaa1b7804dbbebda0'
FrederickAPI::V2::Location.with_access_token(access_token) do
  # Fetch a location
  location = FrederickAPI::V2::Location.find(location_id).first
  # => #<FrederickAPI::V2::Location:0x007fd2f29a7618>
  # => 'Bizzy Biz'
  # Update a location
  location.name = 'Biz Bizziest'
  # => true
  # To instantiate a resource for update without fetching it first, use `.load` with id
  location = FrederickAPI::V2::Location.load(id: location_id)
  location.update_attributes(phone_number: '(555) 555-5555')
  # => true

Using Headers

Resource.with_access_token is extended to take headers in the method Resource.with_access_token_and_headers. This is useful when we need to pass the universal customer to services that accept it.

access_token = '9jsdo320fjfkfdksls30dfdcd919bcaa1b7804dbbebda0'
headers = { 'X-Universal-Customer': '{"source_platform":"mindbody","source_location_id":"1","source_customer_id":"77"}' }

FrederickAPI::V2::CommunicationTemplate.with_access_token_and_headers(access_token, headers) do
  template = FrederickAPI::V2::CommunicationTemplate.create(template_attributes)

  # => 'Name from Attrs'

Nested Resources

Nested resources must be accessed using where to scope the request:

location_id = '6fdf0530-3e4e-46f1-9d11-5f90c48a50dc'
access_token = '9jsdo320fjfkfdksls30dfdcd919bcaa1b7804dbbebda0'
FrederickAPI::V2::Location.with_access_token(access_token) do
  # Find contacts
  contacts = FrederickAPI::V2::Contact.where(location_id: location_id).page(1).per(100).to_a
  # => [...]

Background Jobs

FrederickAPI Gem handles asynchronous responses as suggested in JSONApi Recommendations Asynchronous Processing. Polling until the job is complete, fetching and returning the completed resource.

  • A FrederickAPI::V2::Errors::BackgroundJobFailure exception is raised if the API returns an error on an asyncronous job.
  • A BackgroundJob Resource will be returned from the client in the case that a successful job does not return a resource.