
Week_1 reposetory

Hiren Gajjar

Repo link -https://github.com/HirenGajjar/Hiren_DGL_123_week_1

** Video 1** Learning

  • Learning or using a programming language is more about the environment than anything else.

Video 2 Environment Setup

  • Installing VS Code
  • Installing Mysql
  • Installing TablePlus

Video 3

  • Writing a first PHP code


Video 4

  • Declaration of a variable
  • Passing a value to the variable
  • Initializing a variable
  • Use of period (.) to concatenate two strings
  • The slight difference between single quotes ('') and double quotes ("")
        // echo " Hello World";

        // Creating First Variable
        $greetings = "Hellowww";

        echo $greetings." "."NIC";
        // print "$greetings Everyone";