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MySQL::Partition - Utility for MySQL partitioning


use MySQL::Partition;
my $dbh = DBI->connect(@connect_info);
my $list_partition = MySQL::Partition->new(
    dbh        => $dbh,
    type       => 'list',
    table      => 'test',
    expression => 'event_id',
$list_partition->create_partitions('p1' => 1); # ALTER TABLE test PARTITION BY LIST ...
$list_partition->has_partition('p1'); # true

$list_partition->add_partitions('p2_3' => '2, 3');

# handle interface
my $handle = $list_partition->prepare_add_partitions('p4' => 4);
print $handle->statement;

$handle = $list_partition->prepare_truncate_partitions('p2_3');

$handle = $list_partition->prepare_drop_partitions('p2_3');


MySQL::Partition is utility module for MySQL partitions.

This module creates a object for manipulating MySQL partitions. This is very useful that we no longer write complicated and MySQL specific SQL syntax any more.



my $mysql_partition:MySQL::Partition = MySQL::Partition->new(%args)

Create a new object which is subclass of MySQL::Partition. (MySQL::Partition::Type::Range or MySQL::Partition::Type::List.

Following keys are required in %args.

  • dbh => DBI::db

  • table => Str

  • type => Str

    partitioning method. list(?: columns)? or range(?: columns)?.

    If list is specified, new method returns MySQL::Partition::Type::List object.

  • expression => Str

    partitioning expression. e.g. event_id, created_at, TO_DAYS(created_at), etc.


my @partition_names = $mysql_partition->retrieve_partitions

Returns partition names in the table.

my $bool = $mysql_partition->is_partitioned

Returns the table is partitioned or not.

my $bool = $mysql_partition->has_partitione($partition_name)

Returns the table has a specified partition name or not.

Methods for manipulating partition

$mysql_partition->create_partitions($partition_name => $partition_description, [$name => $description, ...])

$mysql_partition->add_partitions($partition_name => $partition_description, [$name => $description], ...)



Methods for MySQL::Partition::Handle

Each method for manipulating partition has prepare_* method which returns MySQL::Partition::Handle object.

  • prepare_create_partitions
  • prepare_add_partitions
  • prepare_drop_partitions
  • prepare_truncate_partitions

Actually, $mysql_partition->create_partitions(...); is a shortcut of following.

my $handle = $mysql_partition->prepare_create_partitions(...);


Copyright (C) Songmu.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

