
Source Codes for a lecture entitled "Parallel and Reconfigurable VLSI Computing" in Tokyo Tech.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Source Codes for a lecture entitled "Parallel and Reconfigurable VLSI Computing" in Tokyo Tech.

The lecture slides can be downloaded at the Tokyo Tech.

Tokyo Tech Open Cource Ware (OCW) for my FPGA lecture: http://www.ocw.titech.ac.jp/index.php?module=General&action=T0300&GakubuCD=2&GakkaCD=321818&KeiCD=18&course=18&KougiCD=201818041&Nendo=2018&lang=EN&vid=05

Also, source power point files can be avaiable: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qp3uxqDt2sO6ggnf-RU4EaoDx8OHblpJ?usp=sharing Note that above ones are FY2020 version!