replace-all-words 🔄

Test code style: prettier semantic-release: angular

Welcome to replace-all-words, your trusty command-line tool for seamless word replacements across your entire project, irrespective of the programming language used! Whether you're refactoring or renaming files, this tool significantly cuts down your time spent on manual replacements. 🚀

Usage 🛠️

Here's how you can use replace-all-words:

Usage: Replace all words [options] <targetDirectoryPath> <beforeWord> <afterWord>

  targetDirectoryPath  Path to the target directory where replacements are to be made
  beforeWord           Word to be replaced throughout the target directory
  afterWord            Word to replace the beforeWord with


replace-all-words finds and replaces all occurrences of a word (beforeWord) with another word (afterWord) in the files within the specified target directory. The unique thing is that it preserves the original casing format of the words. So, if your beforeWord is in camelCase, the replaced afterWord will also be in camelCase. Similarly, if the beforeWord is in snake_case, the replaced afterWord will be in snake_case. 🐍

This comes in super handy while:

  1. Refactoring your code: When you need to change a variable or function name across multiple files, use replace-all-words to do it in a snap!

  2. Renaming files: If your project's naming conventions have changed, replace-all-words helps you adapt quickly and consistently.

Example 📖

Here's a quick example to illustrate its usage:

npx replace-all-words ./src/ oldWord newWord

In the above command, replace-all-words will traverse through all the files in the ./src/ directory, replacing every instance of oldWord with newWord, while preserving the casing style. 💼

We hope replace-all-words makes your coding life a bit easier! Feel free to contribute and make it even better. 🙌

Happy coding! 💻🎉