
Intro with HTML Forms and JavaScript

Primary LanguageHTML

HTML Form with JavaScript validation

In this folder you will find a simple HTML form that is validated with JavaScript. You can use this form as a starting point for your own form. You can also use the advanced version of the JavaScript validation to create a more flexible and easier to maintain validation for your form.

Folder Explanation


Here you can find the beginneer version of the form. It is a simple form with a few fields, that is validated with JavaScript. Start with this one to get a feeling for the form and the validation. Try to understand the code and the logic behind it and start to modify it to your needs. After you have read the code, try to write it on your own. If you get stuck, you can always look at the code again.

Objectives: Create a new index.html file with a GET request to a new result.html file. Before submitting the form. the form should be validated with JavaScript. The result.html file should display the data that was entered in the form.


Here you can find the a more advanced version of the JavaScript validation. You will learn how to create a validation function with some rules that goes trough a set of data and validates them according to the rules. This is a more advanced version of the validation, but it is also more flexible and easier to maintain. Try to understand the code and the logic behind it and start to modify it to your needs. After you have read the code, try to write it on your own. If you get stuck, you can always look at the code again.

Objectives: Create a new index.html file with a GET request to a new result.html file. Before submitting the form. the form should be checked with a validation function in JavaScript. The result.html file should display the data that was entered in the form.