- 1
#37 opened by danielrobe - 1
全世界无产阶级联合起来摸鱼!世界のプロレタリアートは団結して仕事でふざけよう!The proletariat of the world unite to goof off at work!
#36 opened by MacroSong1996 - 0
- 1
你这程序最好没有bug 不然我摸鱼被老板抓到 打死你【狗头】
#34 opened by young-lee-young - 9
- 0
Why do you divide the data set like this?
#33 opened by Cds3851 - 4
- 2
- 4
detecting problem in finally
#25 opened by yoga1314 - 1
Problems about './store/model.h5'
#32 opened by SCYtelils - 2
No model.h5
#5 opened by manesvenom - 4
Problems in
#26 opened by songshumiao - 0
- 1
run error
#20 opened by asd51731 - 0
Can this project work on Windows10
#27 opened by songshumiao - 3
IOError: Unable to create file
#21 opened by wei123021 - 5
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'epoch_logs' referenced before assignment
#17 opened by jangdoohwan - 1
- 1
run error
#24 opened by wei123021 - 2
- 4
Python error occurs
#9 opened by Norcy - 0
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (scn == 3 || scn == 4) in cvtColor, file /io/opencv/modules/imgproc/src/color.cpp, line 9748
#22 opened by wei123021 - 0
how to conceal camera?
#19 opened by WangWeiHuawwh - 5
- 2
#1 opened by Hironsan - 3
- 1
- 0
pip install -r requirements.txt
#15 opened by julianL0veios - 1
recognition boss failed
#11 opened by blue-rubiks - 2
Readme: install instructions are not clear
#8 opened by beef9999 - 2
how many pictures are used to train
#6 opened by seeyourcell - 0
memory problem?
#3 opened by staywithme23 - 2
Info to be added
#2 opened by amorenew