
PacMan agent using Approximate Q-Learning

Primary LanguagePython

PacMan Agent using Approximate Q-Learning Algorithm


The states are based on the following features:

  • Number of ghosts 1 step closer (north, south, west, east);
  • Ghosts 2 steps closer;
  • Food available 1 step closer;
  • The nearest food;

The terminal state is the end of the game (if Pacman wins or if a ghost captures him).

The actions are: go north, go east, go south, go west or stop.

The reward function is calculated by the current score minus the last score.


For the reinforcement learning algorithm, download the RL Agent (RlAgents.py, attached) and run the following code (for Reinforcement Learning algorithm), using the pacman library of CS188:

!python pacman.py -p RLAgent -x 1000 -n 1010 -l smallClassic

  • -p: the agent (RLAgent is the Reinforcement Learning Agent)

  • -x: training iterations

  • -n: test iterations

  • -l: layout (choose between smallClassic, mediumClassic and originalClassic)


Even though it achieved good results, we found it interesting to reflect on what we could have tested more and improved. Our first thought relates to the score improvement: to the best of our knowledge, if we use the pills in the state modeling, we could reach better results. Our second thought was related to the test of new parameters combinations for each world, including the number of training episodes.