Crypto Terminal


All necessary data is in example/data/archive.

Create an interactive tool to answer the following questions

  1. What coins are available in our dataset?
  2. What was the Close price of X coin at date yyyy-mm-dd (eg: BTC in 2020-01-02)
  3. Given a start date and end date, what are the best possible buy and sell times to maximise profit?

You can use any language and GUI (command line interface, streamlit, etc.).


These are not necessary for evaluation, but the candidate can use them to showcase his/her skills.

  • Load the data into SQLite
  • Create a REST API backend to serve the data to the tool
  • Create a dashboard with useful metrics and graphs


Install the requirements in the environment poetry install


Execute if the database was deleted

First create the database python migrate

To load the data into de sqlite database run python load_into_db

To create a superuser run python createsuperuser

Run application

To run the backend python runserver 8888

To run the interactive tool streamlit run example/streamlit/

To run the dashboard streamlit run example/streamlit/

To access to the backend admin enter in with the credentials created for the superuser (admin/admin if the database is not deleted)