Non-numeric footnote label not accurate
Closed this issue · 4 comments
As @KerryHite reported: In frus1941v06/d125
, the non-numeric "a" in footnote "60a" appears as the inline footnote callout but not as the footnote reference in the note itself (currently, "60"). We believe this might be a series-wide rendering issue and so are reporting to you, @joewiz.
Historic FRUS
As you can see from the digitized version of the volume, the footnote numbering sequence should 60a in both places.
TEI Encoding
<p>487. I called on the President of the Republic<note n="60a"
xml:id="d125fn1">Arnulfo Arias.</note> ...</p>
@WaxCylinderRevival @KerryHite Thanks for spotting this! I looked into the matter and have a fix: #390. Any questions/concerns before I merge it and publish the updated code?
@joewiz, thank you so much for the explanation and fix! Much appreciated. Kudos to Mandy and Kerry for spotting!
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