- 0
- 0
[infra] bug with unsigned VM images on CI
#440 opened by duncdrum - 0
- 1
- 4
Non-numeric footnote label not accurate
#389 opened by WaxCylinderRevival - 4
Footnotes in Generated Table of Contents
#391 opened by WaxCylinderRevival - 3
Fix italics in links
#372 opened by joewiz - 4
Fix ODD rules for lists
#343 opened by plutonik-a - 0
- 0
Ways to clarify FRUS administrations listing?
#359 opened by joewiz - 2
Table content is cut off on left side
#336 opened by joewiz - 2
Improve parsing of frus-history index cross references
#352 opened by joewiz - 0
Improve handling of Lucene query parser errors
#323 opened by joewiz - 2
- 0
- 0
- 3
[FRUS] E-book image is missing
#347 opened by plutonik-a - 0
Create TEI Style Guide
#345 opened by plutonik-a - 0
- 0
- 0
Prepare for transfer from PA to FSI
#338 opened by joewiz - 0
FRUS administrations listings grouping problems
#337 opened by joewiz - 1
Improve interface for browsing volume titles
#335 opened by joewiz - 2
- 8
Javascript error with date search with IE11
#325 opened by joewiz - 0
Adopt WAI-ARIA guidance for breadcrumbs
#326 opened by joewiz - 1
Bug when hitting return key on any non-search page
#324 opened by joewiz - 0
- 5
- 1
- 1
Date parameter serialization: allow yyyy, yyyy-mm
#320 opened by joewiz - 2
Reset/apply button consistency
#321 opened by joewiz - 1
The "sort-by" dropdown should auto-submit
#318 opened by joewiz - 0
Submitting search after changing "sort-by" declaration clears "volume-id" filters
#312 opened by joewiz - 2
- 2
On-hover footnote pop-up feature is broken
#314 opened by joewiz - 5
Q: UI best practices for applying filters to results
#316 opened by joewiz - 0
[search] limit the number of filter options
#300 opened by tuurma - 2
- 4
Parameter serialization problem
#307 opened by joewiz - 1
AM and PM radio buttons can both be selected
#306 opened by joewiz - 3
Date-only search should be possible
#303 opened by joewiz - 0
- 1
- 4
[search] return key should submit the form
#301 opened by tuurma - 1
Any features not being implemented for the dates search release target should be hidden
#305 opened by joewiz - 2
[search] volume/administration/date filters only active when Historical Documents are
#302 opened by tuurma - 0
- 2
[Search] Update search bar layout
#295 opened by plutonik-a - 1
[Search] Add headline to search page
#294 opened by plutonik-a