
Gradle Dependencies Code Completion , Searched by Maven'repo and Google'repo , Mainly for Android developers . Get Up ❗️❗️❗️

Primary LanguageKotlin



This is an Android Studio / IntelliJ IDEA plugin for search and complete dependencies from google() and mavenCentral() in Gradle projects.

This project base on GradleDependenciesHelperPlugin.


  • support google and mavenCentral,include android's jetpack/androidx/support packages.
  • support generating variable and custom variable.
  • dependencies variable offline covert.
  • simple and clear UI.



Enabled Code Completion->SmartType Completion and Shortcut Key

Default Shortcut Key

  • macos ^(control) + ⇧(shift) + space
  • windows ctrl + alt + space
  • linux ctrl + shift + space

All the following operations are manual, please note.

Normal Operation

input string in xxx.gradle file

then press Shortcut Key

Generating Variable

  • append '#' to the end of the input string will generate a version variable

  • append '##' to the end of the input string will generate a full variable

then press Shortcut Key

Custom Variable

  • append '#'+custom to the end of the input string will generate a version variable

  • append '##'+custom to the end of the input string will generate a full variable

then press Shortcut Key

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