DevBuddy is a social media platform for fellow developers to collab on projects and socialise with each. Developers can login using Github accounts and make teams, register for hackathon and collaborate on team projects throught this web application. DevBuddy was made as part of our solution to problem statement 2 of SE Hackathon, CSE SPIT - 2023. Our team secured 2nd Place in the hackathon.
Frontend: Html, CSS (bootstrap & tailwind), vanilla JS
Backend: Django & Github Oauth using API
Database: SQLite (development) & PostgreSQL (production)
- Easy creation and management of your team
- Convenient Tracking of Project Status
- Socialize and Network with like-minded coders
- Quick, hassle-free registration to popular hackathons
- Uses Github integration maintaning authenticity
- Exclusive platform for conducting hackathons
- Can act as a platform for interacting with like minded developers
- Improved project management with merge & commit support
- Chat appliction for team communication