
Enable CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) in Jersey applications

Primary LanguageJava


Enable CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) in Jersey applications.


To override Jersey's default handling of the OPTIONS verb, an accompanying @OPTIONS annotated resource method has to be created in addition to the existing resource method / methods. All methods has to be annotated with the CORS annotation.


public Person get(@PathParam("id") int id){

//make sure you match the path pattern.
public Response get(){
	return Response.ok().build();

The CORS filter is based on Jersey's ContainerResponseFilter and ResourceFilter. To activate the CORS filter, the CorsFilterFactory has to be registered with Jersey e.g.:

params.put(ResourceConfig.PROPERTY_RESOURCE_FILTER_FACTORIES, CorsFilterFactory.class.getName()); //activate CORS-filter

or in web.xml


CORS annotation

The CORS annotation comes with sensible (allowing) defaults. You can override these by simply assigning new values for the annotaion e.g.:

public Person get(@PathParam("id") int id){

@CORS(methods={"OPTIONS","POST"}, origin="www.mydomain.com", maxAge=3600)
public Response get(){
	return Response.ok().build();

Only the CORS-preflight (enabled by the OPTIONS annotated method) makes use of the "methods", "headers" and "maxAge" values, so there is no reason to override these for your resourse methods.

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