Hive Mind Automation - Video - Getting a Briefing from your Smart Home in Home Assistant


This serves as supplemental information for the Hive Mind Automation YouTube Video
Create a Daily Briefing with Home Assistant

It contains code snippets of Jinja2 Templates used in the announcements, and I've added a scripts.yaml file so you can see how I use it in my setup.

I've broken the scripts into individual snippets to be triggered by the automation.

Reference materials are available at:

Time Announcement
Weather - Temperature
Weather - Wind
Inside Temperatures
Dad Joke, Quote and Random Fact
Pending Updates

Script Contents

The Basis of each Script in Home Assistant is:

service: notify.alexa_media
    type: tts
  message: "
    - media_player.dining_room_echo_plus
    - media_player.bedroom_echo_dot
    - media_player.office_echo_dot
    - media_player.spare_room_echo_dot

Where we'll then swap out <YOUR TEMPLATED MESSAGE HERE> for what we want to actually say. In this case, I'm using the Alexa Media ACS add-on, but you could reasonably use this with Google home, or ANY text to speech engine from Home Assistant, including


  • Turn multi-value outputs into an array of dictionaries/tuples and run through the template in a for loop.
    • i.e. Indoor Temperatures & pending updates.