
Python Script to help YouTubers quickly create Folder Structures and Script Outlines for Video projects with Templated Intro's and Outtro's in MS Word.

Featuring Atlassian JIRA integration

Table of Contents


Only tested in Python 3.8.2 and Python 3.9.4 on macOS OS functions may require modification in Linux or Windows

Video Walkthrough of this Project available on YouTube


Required for creating DOCX files

[Python DOCX Library] (
Can be installed using:
pip3 install python-docx

Optional - imports can be commented out if not utilising JIRA integration

Python Requests Library
Can be installed by running:
pip3 install requests

Python JSON Library
Can be installed by running:
pip3 install json


Fill out

Inside are important variables You COULD explicitly define these within, however, I feel like it's better to define them externally for..... security, especially if you commit anything to GitHub.
The only potentially sensitive detail in here is the headers for JIRA.
These are required for Authentication. I plan to fix this authentication in a future release, but for now it works. I got my Authentication headers by using Postman to explore the JIRA API and copied the Authentication headers from there.

Once you've filled out, save the file as in the same folder.

Update rootPath variable

You'll need to change this path based on YOUR configuration. Mine points to a mounted SMB share which is on my Server. You might just want to point this to Local Storage

rootPath = "/Volumes/HiveMind/Videos"

Update path conditional logic for your use case

The conditionals from Line 74 suit my use cases, however, you should update this to suit your own use case. For Example, changing Getting Started Series to Tutorials or however you want to structure your folders.

# Set Path based on inputs
if projectType == 1:
    path = f"{rootPath}/Getting Started Series/{project}-{projectID} - {jobTitle}"
elif projectType == 2:
    path = f"{rootPath}/Product Reviews/{project}-{projectID} - {jobTitle}"
elif projectType == 3:
    path = f"{rootPath}/Quick Tips/{project}-{projectID} - {jobTitle}"
elif projectType == 4:
    path = f"{rootPath}/Code Review/{project}-{projectID} - {jobTitle}"
    projectType = int(input(typePrompt))

if not using JIRA integration

If you aren't using the JIRA integration, modify the "JIRA" variable on Line 15 to

JIRA = False

Run the script

Run the script by opening a Terminal in the same location as the script and running python3 ./