Mini Hive

Getting Started

on replit:

  • click on "create Repl"
  • choose option to "Import from github"
  • copy this repo's url
  • wait for the import to finish
  • run this command in the shell tab bin/setup_replit to setup the seed DB
  • click run to launch installation of dependencies
  • ready to go ✅


things to watchout for:

  • Watchout for CPU and memory usage
  • avoid adding gems to the project, especially ones with C dependencies. since it consumes memory, increase boot time, and C compilation is slow, and taxing on the CPU

updating nix dependencies

Replit considerations

This is a template to get you started with Rails on Replit. It's ready to go so you can just hit run and start coding!

This template was generated using rails new (after you install the rails gem from the packager sidebar) so you can always do that if you prefer to set it up from scratch. We only made a couple changes to make to run it on Replit:

  • bind the app on instead of localhost (see .replit)
  • allow * hosts (see config/environments/development.rb)
  • allow the app to be iframed on (see config/application.rb)

Running the app

Simply hit run! You can edit the run command from the .replit file.

Running commands

Start every command with bundle exec so that it runs in the context of the installed gems environment. The console pane will give you output from the server but you can run arbitrary commands from the shell without stopping the server.