
A few complex modifications for firefox to bring back Windows experience

MIT LicenseMIT


This set of rules contains the following mappings:

  1. copy with ctrl + c (cmd + c also works)
  2. paste with ctrl + v (cmd + v also works)
  3. select all with ctrl + a (cmd + a also works)
  4. reload page with ctrl +r (cmd + r aslo works)
  5. Focus Address Bar with ctrl + l (cmd + l also works)
  6. Focus Search bar with ctrl + k (cmd + k also works)
  7. Open a new tab with ctrl + t (cmd + t also works)

How to apply this rules

  1. Open https://genesy.github.io/karabiner-complex-rules-generator
  2. Copy firefox.json from this repo to the form
  3. Press Install! button

Why do we need to use Karabiner-Elements, when MacOS allows to change hotkeys for Copy/Paste/Select all...?

There is a bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1333781 , because of which we cannot use built-in feature of MacOS for this case.

How to add another hotkeys to Karabiner?

Read this docs https://karabiner-elements.pqrs.org/docs/json/typical-complex-modifications-examples/