
Gaze Estimation via Bilinear Pooling-Based Attention Networks. Dakai Ren, Jiazhong Chen, Jian Zhong, Zhaoming Lu, Tao Jia, and Zongyi Li. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2021

Primary LanguagePython

Gaze Estimation via Bilinear Pooling-Based Attention Networks
Dakai Ren, Jiazhong Chen, Jian Zhong, Zhaoming Lu, Tao Jia, and Zongyi Li
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2021

download datasets: EYEDIAP, MPIIGaze, UTMultiview from
abstract code: 2070

implemented by pytorch
model described in Lenet_AiA.py
run main_h.py