⭐ Mongoose-Based Command Cooldowns
⭐ Command Permissions
⭐ Slash Command Handler
⭐ Subcommands system
⭐ OwnerOnly Commands
⭐ Args required or not Option
⭐ Permissions handler
⭐ Role-Requirement Giveaways
⭐ Customizable server settings using MongoDB
⭐ Button help-menu
⭐ Starboard
⭐ Logging
⭐ a lot of /
⭐ ...And many interesting commands!
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
You'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with NPM) installed on your computer.node@v14.0.0 or higher
npm@7.0.0 or higher
git@2.17.1 or higher
1. Lets get started by cloning Hurricano on your local machine.
# cloning the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/HurricanoBot/Hurricano.git
# go into the repository
$ cd Hurricano
- Now rename the config.example.json file to config.json and the required enviromental variables like bot token, ownerIds etc.
"token": "Your bot token",
"mongouri": "Mongodb uri",
"prefix": "Your prefix",
"ownerIds": ["Owner's USER IDs", "Like this", "can be as many"],
"statcordKey": "optional, leave empty if you don't want statcord",
"website": {
"enabled": false,
"ip": "Website IP",
"port": "Port"
"topgg": {
"enabled": false,
"token": "only put something here if you set top.gg api to true",
"webhook": {
"enabled": false,
"webhookPassword": "top.gg vote webhook password",
"webhookPort": 1234,
"channelID": "vote webhook channel ID",
"webhookIP": "vote webhook IP"
"botChannels": {
"bugReport": "...",
"feedback": "...",
"serverJoinChannel": "..."
- Now install all the required dependecies for the bot and run the bot.
# install the required dependencies
$ npm install
# Run the bot
$ node .
Dragonizedpizza |
Militia21 |
Achal Jhawar |
Any idea on how we can make this more awesome ? Open a new issue! We need all the help we can get to make this project awesome! You can also join the discord server to give suggestions. You can read the Contributing guidelines.
Hurricano™ Bot is licensed under the GPL 3.0 license. See the file LICENSE
for more information. If you plan to use any part of this source code in your own bot, We would be grateful if you would include some form of credit somewhere.