
This is an abandoned javascript discord bot project. I had its code so thought to make it opensource. It uses quick.db which is based on SQL. There might be many bugs in it and the music system is not complete.

I might work on this project in future and make it active.

For support join CTK's Discord Server (Note: It is not my server, it is a server where i help people to fix there problems in coding.) or open a issue and i will fix it as soon as possible.

And if you know how to fix a flaw just open a pull request.

To Install Packages


npm install



To Start The Bot or Debug (Nodemon)


npm run start
npm run debug


yarn start
yarn debug

Packages it uses

  • discord.js
  • @discordjs/opus
  • animequote
  • ascii-table
  • canvas-senpai
  • common-tags
  • discord.js-pagination
  • dotenv
  • ffmpeg-static
  • figlet
  • got
  • kitsu.js
  • mathjs
  • moment
  • ncp
  • parse-ms
  • quick.db
  • random-puppy
  • simple-youtube-api
  • slot-machine
  • weather-js
  • ytdl-core