Tech Stack / Tooling

  • JavaScript (React JS)
  • Redux Toolkit
  • Material UI
  • Blockchain Technologies:
    • Hardhat
    • Solidity
    • ChainLink
    • IPFS

DApp Process Flow

DApp Process Flow

User Interface

User Interface


The application is deployed on Vercel. You can access the live site here:

Important Points

  1. Create a .env file in defilendingdappbackend to store your private key and Alchemy API key URL.
  2. Ensure your ABI file and the deployed smart contract address (0x9942AccE4476C3cB462Ba3f23D9424eD85937512) are correctly referenced in the src/constants/index.js file on the frontend.

Project Scripts

In the project directory, you can execute the following commands:

First step:

In the terminal directory ./FTGP23_Group5_05, run:

npm start

This command compiles the Solidity code from LoanLending.sol. Note that only this file is required for the main application. The file Loanlendingdraftfuture.sol is a draft and does not need to be compiled or run.

Second step:

In the terminal directory FTGP23_Group5_05/defilendingdappbackend, run:

npx hardhat compile LoanLending.sol

Third step:

In the terminal directory FTGP23_Group5_05/backend, run:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network sepolia

This command deploys the smart contract to the Sepolia Test Network.

Fourth step:

After deployment, copy the contract address and ABI. Update the ABI in src/constants/index.js only if the contract has changed. The deployed contract address is 0x9942AccE4476C3cB462Ba3f23D9424eD85937512.

This provides a complete guide on how to compile and deploy your Solidity contracts as part of your DApp project.