note : I am working on SSL certification and email sender update
To apply any changes on live server = npm run build + pm2 start npm -- start for frontend pm2 start npm -- start for backend
To Clone and run localy :
-> clone the repo in any folder of yours, open two terminals. With the first go to frontend folder and type npm run dev With the second go to backend folder and type npm start
It will run the entire project without the protected files. You can run here any modifications on the front and save it.
Give me a pull request for any improvement, any contribution is appreciated.
For the " npm install <> " packages. Refers to package.json in both frontend and backend folders and npm install the entire list.
/!\ : The project actualy use Sendgrid as email sender API and is off for a while so you won't be able to send inscription emails, contact us, and private message. I apologize for the inconvenience and am working on it to debug it in next days.
Developed with love by Hkwolfx.