The code of the proposed DMCM method will be publicly available here.

Primary LanguagePython

Cross-Domain Meta-Learning under Dual Adjustment Mode for Few-Shot Hyperspectral Image Classification, TGRS, 2023.

This is a code demo for the paper: Cross-Domain Meta-Learning under Dual Adjustment Mode for Few-Shot Hyperspectral Image Classification.

Fig. 1: Overall framework of the DMCM. The dual-adjustment mode-based cross-domain meta-learning framework comprises the following four parts: (a) feature extraction, (b) cross-domain FSL, (c) dual adjustment mode, and (d) target dataset classification.


If you find this code helpful, please kindly cite:

  title={Cross-Domain Meta-Learning under Dual Adjustment Mode for Few-Shot Hyperspectral Image Classification},
  author={Hu, Lei and He, Wei and Zhang, Liangpei and Zhang, Hongyan},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing},

Some of our reference projects are listed below, and we are very grateful for their research:


CUDA Version = 11.7

Python = 3.9.7

Pytorch = 1.12.0

Sklearn = 0.24.2

Numpy = 1.20.0

Matplotlib = 3.4.3

Spectral = 0.22.4


  1. Target domain data set: Indian Pines (IP)/ Pavia University (UP)/Pavia Center (PC)

You can download the hyperspectral datasets in mat format at: http://www.ehu.eus/ccwintco/index.php/Hyperspectral_Remote_Sensing_Scenes, and move the files to ./Datasets folder.

  1. Source domain data set: Chikusei

The source domain hyperspectral datasets (Chikusei) in mat format is available in: https://github.com/Li-ZK/DCFSL-2021.

You can also download our preprocessed source domain data set (Chikusei_imdb_128.pickle) directly in pickle format, please move to the ./Datasets folder. However, the data is too large to upload, if necessary, please contact my email: hulei.eva@whu.edu.cn.

An example dataset folder has the following structure:

├── Chikusei_imdb_128.pickle
├── IP
│   ├── indian_pines.mat
│   ├── indian_pines_gt.mat
├── paviaU
│   ├── paviaU.mat
│   └── paviaU_gt.mat
└── paviaU
    ├── PaviaCenter.mat
    └── PaviaCenter_gt.mat


An example of DMCM method:

  1. Download the required data set and move to folder./Datasets.
  2. If you down the source domain data set (Chikusei) in mat format, you need to run the script ./Datasets/Generate_source_dataset.py to generate preprocessed source domain data.
  3. Taking 5 labeled samples per class as an example, run DMCM_IP/UP/PC.py.
  • --test_lsample_num_per_class denotes the number of labeled samples per class for the target domain data set.
  • --tar_input_dim denotes the number of bands for the target domain data set.