Hmurmur's Stars
ESP8266 DOITAM, BMP28, BME280, DS18B20, Servo, 128x32 OLED, 2x water flow meters using : interrupt driven tick counter. Monitor and display inside, outside air pressure & temperature, cold water & hot water usage, hot water tank temp and send (broadcast), using espnow to remote esp01 for OLED display. Also host web pages for display of status and a settings page and in case of WiFi connectivity problems, host a WiFi setup page. The ESP manages a servo and PWM computer cooling fan used to open/close 4" modified dryer backflow damper in order to equalize air pressure in the furnace/hot water tank room in my home. Hopefully reducing cold air drafts in the winter.
Flow meter for tracking shower usage
IoT Water Flow Meter using ESP8266 & Water Flow Sensor
An ESP8266 based project to monitor the flow of water (or any fluid, for that matter) in a pipe using a flow sensors. Also Android app to display the info
Compteur d'eau avec envoi des données sur un FTP par un ESP8266
ESP8266 (esp-01) based water flow meter (YF‐S201), logging to
Water Flow Sensor / Flow Meter Arduino Library, Flow Rate, Volume, YF-S201, YF-B1, OF10ZAT, OF10ZZT, OF05ZAT, OF05ZZT
Blynk flow sensor water meter to measure water consumption using Blynk, NodeMCU and Water Flow Sensor (I used YF-S201B).